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“Here we have a unique case when a person’s deeds are known so well that the whole world is ready to vouch for him.

On September 27, former NKR state minister Ruben Vardanyan was detained by Azerbaijani authorities, and from that day on people from very different areas and industries have been speaking out in support of the famous philanthropist.

He has done so much for Russia. In the midst of war, he left for Karabakh, aiming to support its residents, his native people. This plan backfired: Vardanyan is now in prison, all his humanitarian projects have lost their leader. Let’s not forget, it was Vardanyan who was there at the start of the Skolkovo business school, whose graduates now write letters supporting the first president of one of Russia’s best educational institutions.

Former students (and possibly future top officials) those concerned to help free social entrepreneur Ruben Vardanyan. According to the graduates, even after renouncing Russian citizenship, he continued to selflessly develop educational projects in Russia.

Ilya Graschenkov, political scientist, President of the Regional Policy Development Center