Uruguayan graduate of UWC Dilijan told how she became an “Armenian by choice”
NEWS.am told the story of Paula Legisamo, who graduated from UWC Dilijan International School and now teaches philosophy there. This year, the school, founded by Ruben Vardanyan and his wife Veronica Zonabend, is celebrating its 10th anniversary.
Legisamo notes that UWC Dilijan has been able to connect Armenia with the world: its students learn from people who successfully implement projects all over the world.
“It is impossible not to dissolve into Armenian culture, not to feel emotional about Armenian history, not to be infected by Armenian hospitality. I think we epitomize a different kind of being Armenian. Мы “армяне по выбору”, так будет правильно сформулировать жизненный опыт, поскольку мы не являемся армянами по крови или по рождению, но по отношению к этой стране мы испытываем любовь, чувства и огромное уважение», – рассказала преподавательница.
Details: https://news.am/rus/news/845138.html