Words of support
«Мой друг Рубен Варданян, номинант на Нобелевскую премию мира, армянский филантроп и политзаключенный, провел 486 дней (на сегодняшний день) в заключении в Азербайджане. В настоящее время продолжается судебный процесс над ним, который проходит за закрытыми дверями, в обстановке секретности и с нарушениями процессуальных норм. Речь идет не только об одном человеке. Дело Рубена – это лакмусовая бумажка для проверки глобальной справедливости, свободы прессы и силы коллективных действий. Пришло время действовать».

«Азербайджан показывает всему миру, что значит быть палачом и мучителем. Рубен – мученик за идею и Родину, он – жертва всех прошлых и нынешних правительств Армении, которые не смогли присоединить Арцах к Армении».

«Сегодня мы столкнулись с болезненной реальностью. Рубен находится под стражей в Азербайджане 471 день. Эти незаконные действия, имеющие исключительно политический мотив, попирают справедливость и права человека.
Для меня большая честь знать Рубена Варданяна на протяжении многих лет. Я говорю с глубоким восхищением о человеке, который всегда отличался как имеющий видение деятель и преданный патриот.
Реализуя благотворительные инициативы и образовательные программы, Рубен доказал, что настоящий успех – это улучшение жизни людей и созданные ценности. Учреждение премии “Аврора” является свидетельством его глубокой веры в силу сострадания, человеческой стойкости и надежды.
Преданность Рубена Варданяна армянскому народу и общечеловеческим ценностям поистине исключительна. Он воплощение честности и сострадания, качеств, которые вдохновляют. Горд называть Рубена своим другом и с нетерпением жду того дня, когда он сможет продолжать реализовывать инициативы, изменяющие мир к лучшему.
Сегодня как никогда мы обязаны поддержать Рубена. Его мужество и преданность делу не только заслуживают нашей поддержки, но и требуют наших совместных усилий для обеспечения его свободы и защиты ценностей, которые он воплощает».

«Рубен Варданян выдвинул серьезные обвинения в нарушении его прав человека, включая жестокое обращение в заключении, принуждение подписывать сфальсифицированные материалы дела и лишение возможности подготовить свою защиту. Власти должны незамедлительно, тщательно, независимо, беспристрастно и эффективно расследовать эти серьезные обвинения и привлечь к ответственности подозреваемых в этих нарушениях.
Власти должны предоставить Рубену Варданяну полный доступ к его адвокатам, а также достаточное время и возможность для подготовки защиты. Международное сообщество должно внимательно следить за этим громким делом, чтобы гарантировать Рубену Варданяну право на справедливый суд и правосудие».

«В качестве государственного министра – второй по значимости должности в ее столице Степанакерте – господин Варданян надеялся привлечь внимание мира к армянам, которые сталкивались с угрозой истребления.
За этим последовали теории заговора. Одни утверждали, что господин Варданян был отправлен Москвой, чтобы превратить республику в российский протекторат, другие – что он должен был способствовать ее сдаче Азербайджану. Простое объяснение – что человек может стремиться к чему-то большему, чем деньги и комфорт, или быть движимым такими романтическими идеями, как патриотизм или справедливость, – казалось гораздо менее вероятным. И конечно, менее удобным для тех, кого никогда не вдохновляли такие идеи.
Теории заговора вокруг Рубена Варданяна продолжились даже после того, как Азербайджан вернулся в Арцах в 2023 году, устроив этническую чистку его коренного армянского населения, разграбив его церкви и кладбища и впервые за тысячи лет освободив эти земли от армянского присутствия. Они продолжались даже тогда, когда Азербайджан арестовал наряду с 15 другими бывшими официальными лицами самого господина Варданяна.
И всё же, когда начинается судебный процесс над армянскими политическими заключенными за закрытыми дверями в Баку, эти немногие фотографии показывают нам нечто, что мы не можем отрицать, – нечто, что мы узнаём как историческую память. Лишенный адвоката и воды, истощенный до костей, отвергнутый Россией, которая его создала, проигнорированный Западом, чьи ценности он романтизировал, покинутый собственным армянским правительством, стоящий в последний раз, чтобы встретить свой пожизненный приговор, Рубен Варданян выглядит наконец-то полностью армянином».

«Мы не можем принять саму идею существования Рубена. Мы ее отрицаем. Мы не принимаем, что возможно существование такого человека.
Человека, который может заработать много денег честно, остаться человеком с горящими глазами и чистыми помыслами, ходить без охраны, садиться за стол с “простолюдинами”, их таковыми не считая, здороваться за руку с Папой Римским и принцем Великобритании, не имея даже призрака мысли перед ними пресмыкаться, потратить кучу собственных денег и сил на проекты, которые соответствуют его ценностным представлениям, а не собственной выгоде. Мы не можем принять, что человек может обладать огромными знаниями и не останавливаться в развитии, уметь создавать крепкие отношения, быть великодушным, быть настоящим.
И самое страшное – мы не хотим признать, что человек может добровольно подвергнуть опасности свою жизнь и жизнь своей семьи. Добровольно. Как огромному количеству успешных людей, которые обошлись максимум денежными пожертвованиями в страшный 2020-й или 2023-й, признать, что есть человек, который поступил так? Как признать, что он отправил собственного сына служить в армию Арцаха? Нет. Нам легче сказать, что сын на самом деле прохлаждался в санатории, а не служил, а Рубен на самом деле обо всём договорился то ли с русскими, то ли с англичанами, то ли с инопланетянами и Илоном Маском и его скоро оттуда выпустят и осыпят властью над планетой Земля, планетой Сатурн и еще пол-Марса в придачу.
Мы все грешны, все смертны и все встанем перед судом. И там уж ничто не скроешь. Ни седой волос краской, ни прыщик пудрой, ни дырку в совести количеством денег. Поймите, каждый человек – это всего лишь человек. Каждому дано что-то и чего-то не дано. И я не обесцениваю ничьи поступки, сравнивая их с поступками Рубена. С каждого спросится по его способностям. Ну так в этом и вся суть: признать, что мы разные. И что есть кто-то, кто круче. Просто круче. Просто масштаб другой».

«Накануне судебного разбирательства политический заключенный, государственный министр Арцаха Рубен Варданян заявил, что его адвоката и переводчика заставили подписать задним числом документы, включая сфальсифицированные протоколы допросов, которые на самом деле не проводились. Рубену не предоставили возможности ознакомиться с делом на понятном ему языке, подвергли пыткам, запрещали пить воду и пользоваться туалетной бумагой, а также применяли другие бесчеловечные действия. И он далеко не первый, кто жалуется на тюремные условия в Азербайджане.
Заявление Варданяна о нарушениях адвокатской защиты и фальсификации протоколов допросов является серьезным нарушением, противоречащим основополагающим принципам права на справедливый суд.
Хочу подчеркнуть, что Азербайджан, нарушая Женевские конвенции, отказывается возвращать армянских пленных после войны. Обвинения против бывшего руководства Арцаха и других лиц носят явно политический характер. Утверждения о терроризме и создании незаконных вооруженных формирований служат исключительно политическим интересам и нарушают нормы международного гуманитарного права.
Учитывая вышеизложенное, я призвала своих международных партнеров требовать от Азербайджана выполнения международных обязательств и незамедлительного возвращения всех армянских пленных на родину».

«Недавно Рубен Варданян смог продемонстрировать общественности, какое “уголовное дело” было сфабриковано Азербайджаном и какой “суд” эта страна готовит. Власти Армении, поглощенные своей мелкой политической местью, абсолютно ничего не могут сказать по поводу этого “дела” и “cуда”, возбужденных в отношении гражданина Армении.
Ситуация ужасна по нескольким аспектам. Во-первых, Пашинян и его команда совершенно не обеспокоены международным авторитетом Армении, ее достоинством. В самых тяжелых условиях Варданян больше думает об этом.
Но есть еще более ужасное явление: группа правительственных пропагандистов даже сейчас, в этой ситуации, повторяет своего “шефа” и задает вопрос “Кто послал Варданяна в Арцах?”, продолжая разжигать ненависть к нему».

«Человечество – универсальная, общечеловеческая ценность, но к Азербайджану это не относится.
Более 470 дней наш Арцах, наши президенты Бако Саакян, Аркадий Гукасян и другие наши соотечественники находятся в заложниках.
Я уверен, что каждый из нас почувствовал неописуемую тревогу и боль после сообщения Рубена Варданяна, находящегося в такой же нечеловеческой ситуации.
Зарождающийся “суд” – это не юриспруденция, а издевательство над минимальными гуманитарными и международно признанными нормами, но международное сообщество молчит.
Ни в одном другом члене Совета Европы не было ситуации подобной бесчеловечной степени, но Совет Европы молчит.
Трагично то, что мы находимся в этой реальности, трагично молчание международного сообщества, абсурдно, что интересы наших соотечественников никак не защищаются сегодняшними чиновниками, наделенными этой обязанностью универсальных ценностей».

«Вот так живешь, творишь, делаешь всё, чтобы мир стал лучше, – для людей разных национальностей, вероисповеданий, культур. А потом в один момент случается вот такое, потому что у кого-то своя правда – извращенная, абсурдная, не поддающаяся логике.
Про справедливость даже рассуждать не приходится. Уже давно. Не перестаю поражаться каждый раз тому, насколько в разных мирах живут люди… и какими бывают иногда наивными даже такие визионеры, как Рубен Карленович.
Свободу Рубену Варданяну!
Сердце болит за него и за таких, как он. Но я продолжаю верить, что он еще сможет сделать много хорошего для этого обреченного мира, который всё еще нуждается в надежде…»

«Чудовищная история с нашими военнопленными и политическими заключенными в Баку превращается в настоящую трагедию.
Остаюсь при своем: правительство Армении должно сделать всё, чтобы вызволить своих граждан (по официальным данным, 23 человека, по неофициальным – более сотни) из бакинских застенков. Это вопрос государственной безопасности и национального достоинства. Пока этого не сделано, никто, никто не застрахован от того ада, в котором оказались наши люди».

“The case of Ruben Vardanyan, a philanthropist and former state minister of the unrecognized republic, is being considered in a military court. Vardanyan, who has spent almost 500 days in Baku pre-trial detention center, was given only 9 days to get acquainted with 422 volumes of the case.
If it seems to some that the surrealism of the situation ends here, it does not: things are even worse. Eva Merkacheva, a member of the Human Rights Council, recently stated that Ruben Vardanyan is being forced to change his own lawyer for a state one.
Let me remind you that after Vardanyan’s illegal detention in the Lachin corridor on September 27, 2023, Azerbaijan accused the philanthropist of financing terrorism, creating illegal armed formations and illegally crossing the state border of Azerbaijan. But over time, the number of charges increased 14 times to 42 articles. It is worth noting separately that out of 422 volumes of the case, only six are related to Vardanyan, and all the others examine in detail the history of Nagorno-Karabakh since 1987 (Ruben Vardanyan was 19 years old at that time, he was studying at Moscow State University).
All of the above turns the trial of the man nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize into a farce. Or Kafka’s “The Trial”. In civilized countries, of which Azerbaijan sees itself as an integral part, such work of the legal system would be simply impossible to imagine”.

«Процесс над Рубеном Варданяном в Баку превратился в судилище: филантропа вынуждают сменить собственного адвоката на государственного, которого предоставил Азербайджан.
17 января в Баку начался суд над бывшими лидерами Нагорного Карабаха, которых задержали еще в сентябре 2023 года. При этом дело Рубена Варданяна, который три месяца занимал пост госминистра НКР, рассматривают отдельно. Власти Азербайджана предъявили ему 42 обвинения, по некоторым из них социальному предпринимателю грозит пожизненное.
Среди прочего Рубену Варданяну вменяют финансирование терроризма, создание незаконных вооруженных формирований и незаконное пересечение границы Азербайджана. Мировая общественность считает эти обвинения абсурдными, так как в Нагорном Карабахе известный в мире социальный предприниматель занимался исключительно гуманитарными проектами. Обвинения в нарушении границ тоже звучат неубедительно: Варданян въезжал в НКР через Лачинский коридор, и на тот момент упомянутой границы просто не существовало.
В пользу абсурдности судебного процесса над Рубеном Варданяном говорит и тот факт, что его заставляют сменить собственного адвоката на защитника, которого предоставил Азербайджан.
Самое любопытное, что из 422 томов уголовного дела 416 посвящены подробной истории Нагорного Карабаха и разгоревшегося там конфликта, а на долю Рубена приходятся “жалкие” шесть томов. Хотя уже сейчас понятно, что внятной доказательной базы у Азербайджана нет. Вероятно, именно поэтому процесс в Баку пытаются провести в закрытом формате: несмотря на заверения в открытости, на слушании не присутствуют независимые журналисты и правозащитники».

“Ruben Vardanyan acted as a peacekeeper in the conflict in the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (another name for Artsakh). During the hostilities there in 2020, he asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to help resolve the military conflict. He also renounced his Russian citizenship in order to go to the field and head the government in Nagorno-Karabakh. Why did he do all of this? In his view, this was the only way to draw the world’s attention to the problem (there was nothing about it on the international agenda). He solved the issues of providing the residents of blockaded Artsakh with food, medical care and electricity.
And now there is the trial going on. I will share my thoughts.
The case of a man who did not participate in the hostilities in Karabakh is being heard in the Baku military court. This is strange. At the second court session Ruben was appointed a state lawyer. According to his family, they are trying to force him to change his own lawyer for a state lawyer.
Taking into account the events of the interstate conflict, the forcible imposition of a public defender from one of the parties on the accused looks ambiguous.
In itself, the state institution of the public advocacy is a strong humanistic initiative. But it is bad when such a mechanism is used to legalize the judicial process. A person must have a choice: a state lawyer or a non-state lawyer. “A person must have a choice: a state lawyer or a non-state lawyer. And this is especially important, as I think, when it comes to courts, which, both in terms of their content and the attention of the world community attached to it, have an international status”.

”I literally owe my life to Ruben.
When I was 16, I entered the international college in Dilijan founded by Vardanyan: from a small yard school in a dormitory neighborhood, I went to Hogwarts. Imagine: in a school on the outskirts of Dilijan (population 17,000), Ivy League professors teach, businessmen from the Forbes list give lectures, and the school’s official spokesman is George Clooney. I mean literally: here is George Clooney (who starred in the movies “From Dusk Till Dawn”, “Oh, Where Are You, Brother?” and “Ocean’s Eleven”) sitting in the front row at our graduation in the auditorium.
And I am not from a rich family, but one of the hundreds of students whom Vardanyan’s team gave a chance: teenagers from Ethiopia, Nigeria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and about 70 other countries studied with me. Many of them learned for the first time only in Armenia, for example, what it is to live and not to starve. I am not even talking about the opportunity to get an education.
Vardanyan was once partly rightly considered a Russian oligarch, but at the decisive moment he took a different path: the path of investing not in golden ruffles, but in people, and I am living proof of that.
During his imprisonment, Vardanyan had already spent three weeks in a disciplinary cell, where he was deprived of food, water and the opportunity to change clothes. In his open letter, he said that the protocols of his interrogations were falsified, and his lawyers and interpreters signed them retroactively under extreme pressure.
Probably, one can have a different attitude towards Ruben Vardanyan. But damn it, he certainly does not deserve this”.

“Ruben Vardanyan’s address yesterday shocked me. And not because I sympathize with him, with his visionary activities, as personal attitude, personal acquaintance can have an impact.
I was triggered by my profession – I could not imagine that a neighboring state, which aspires to much in the world, could allow SUCH gross violations of the basic rights of the accused.
More precisely, their shameless disregard. You do not need to be a lawyer to realize that Ruben Vardanyan’s rights have been significantly violated:
“I and my lawyer were only allowed to look through 422 volumes of the criminal case in Azerbaijani, a language I do not speak, with a rather short period from December 9, 2024 to January 8, 2025”.
I will not comment on the falsification of interrogation protocols. It is clear to a non-lawyer that this is a criminal offense”.

“The trial against Russian-Armenian philanthropist Ruben Vardanyan, a talented businessman who risked everything and headed the government of Nagorno-Karabakh, sincerely rooting for all its inhabitants, has started in Azerbaijan.
It is strange that the case of the former Artsakh premier is being heard by a military court and not a civilian one, although Vardanyan did not take part in military actions, but focused his efforts on the humanitarian situation in the blockaded region, for which he was later nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Before the trial began, Vardanyan stated through his family that he had not given any testimony at all during this year and a half of the investigation, had not signed any interrogation reports, and had not even been allowed to get acquainted with the case file. It seems that the case, as they say, does not hold water. Ruben Vardanyan himself insists on his complete innocence.
Aliyev said that Moscow was interested in Vardanyan’s fate, Vladimir Putin urged Aliyev to show mercy to the prisoners. But there are no visible results of any work so far. It is a shame, because Vardanyan could seriously strengthen Russia’s position in the South Caucasus”.

“Billionaire Ruben Vardanyan has been sitting in Azerbaijani solitary confinement for more than 470 days. I have worked with this man, seen him in action and have the deepest respect for him. Everything that is happening to him now is monstrously unfair”.

“Ruben Karlenovich Vardanyan offered to help the Elizaveta Glinka Foundation during one of the most difficult periods, when we were no longer sure that we would be able to do all our work.
Without his help, our Foundation would have been very different.
And for all of us it is simply unbearable to think that we cannot help him now.

“Ruben Vardanyan became interesting and sympathetic to me when he turned from an ordinary rich man, of which there are tons in Russia, into a man who sacrificed everything for the sake of his motherland Armenia, and besides, he launched a wonderful pedagogical experiment – the Dilijan school.
The fact that Vardanyan has been held in an Azerbaijani prison for more than a year is outrageous by itself. And now it turns out that his trial will be completely Kafkaesque”.

“You [Azerbaijan] are doing everything to convince me that this is a politically engaged process. You do not let a person justify himself. You do not let him prepare for the process. The process will be public, but you do not do it. So what are you hiding? Why are you doing this? If everything is fine, everything is proven, you have great researchers and a great prosecutor, why is the trial being conducted in a language that the defendant does not understand?
And I am not even talking about the presumption of innocence. Or the fact that I know Ruben and he is not a terrorist. But let’s say you think so, prove it to me! But you do everything to say: “We will not let him justify himself”.

“We must do everything necessary to help people escape from the terrible circumstances called “war”. No matter how the war is explained, people are suffering. And this is its most terrible consequence. Among those held [in Baku], I can, for instance, say about Rubik Vardanyan. It is not my business to understand the accusations that are brought against him by that side, but I can say how much this man has done, is doing and will do for his homeland. When I was in Dilijan I saw the college [UWC Dilijan] that Ruben built with his own money. This college is equipped with all the latest world scientific achievements, and children from all over the world study there. This alone can at least indicate that we are with an extremely noble and humane person.”

“When several years ago I was in Armenia for the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, I visited UWC Dilijan [International College]. I knew that it was founded by my friend Ruben Vardanyan, who, unfortunately, at the present moment is a political prisoner, because he was a leader and he tried to help his people, who found themselves in a conflict situation.
I hope that Azerbaijan will demonstrate that it has at least some awareness of the need to establish peace in the region and will release Ruben Vardanyan and other Armenian political prisoners and captives.”

“Ruben Vardanyan, as a manager, as a philanthropist, as a remarkable official, as a person who showed himself to be very cool in Artsakh, will become a good leader of the country.
Ruben Vardanyan should be released soon. And I want you and I not to remain silent about this, so that we talk about it, record videos, write on our social networks, put pressure on the Armenian authorities as well as on international communities. And then, united by our common accomplishments, we will achieve this – Ruben Vardanyan and the rest of the Armenians who are in the criminal Baku prisons will be free.
Dear Ruben Vardanyan! We have always admired you as a very strong and tough entrepreneur. And you have often been a for us – we have heard many of your speeches, your lectures, your thoughts. Over all these decades, with your steps, with your actions, you have demonstrated… You are so close to us as a member of our family, and I address you with enormous respect. You have shown and demonstrated who you really are. And nowadays I do not see yet a person who would be so devoted to his homeland Armenia and Artsakh and who would be able to acquit himself in the best possible way. That is why we pray for you, we worry about you. Each of us who is not indifferent is doing everything to get you out, to finally release you and other Armenians from Baku prisons. And I know for sure that this will happen very soon.”
“The Baku court has once again extended the term of illegal detention of Ruben Vardanyan.
Vardanyan, as well as other military and political leaders of Artsakh, have been illegally detained by the Azerbaijani authorities over than a year.
The artificial delay of the proceedings is another obvious fact that the criminal cases against Ruben Vardanyan and the other detainees are pure fabrication.”

“Vardanyan helped to work Russian charitable foundations and NGOs to work, financially supported dozens of humanitarian initiatives, invested in the development of Moscow State University and other higher education institutions. And all this whole time he did not forget about his Armenian origins and was concerned about the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh.
In 2022, concern for the fate of his compatriots took over: Vardanyan left for the Nagorno-Karabakh, where devastation prevailed and military operations almost never ceased. And in order to avoid being perceived in the region as a Kremlin stooge, he had to renounce his Russian citizenship.
Apart from the immediate assistance to local residents – from organizing a free canteen to solving housing problems – the philanthropist held the post of State Minister of the unrecognized Republic for about three months. As we can see, this appointment later turned into a disaster for him. Since his arrest, Vardanyan has spent more than a year behind bars, and the trial has still not held.”

“The former Presidents of Nagorno-Karabakh Arayik Harutyunyan, Bako Sahakyan and Arkady Ghukasyan, former State Minister Ruben Vardanyan, former Chairman of the National Assembly David Ishkhanyan, former Minister of Foreign Affairs David Babayan, former Minister of Defence Levon Mnatsakanyan, who are being held in Baku, are the legitimate representatives of the people striving for self-determination in conformity with international law. Have the world powers been negotiating with terrorists and criminals all these years, as Azerbaijan is saying now? Absolutely not.
These leaders are comparable with such figures as Ibrahim Rugova from Kosovo or José Ramos-Horta from East Timor. Their detention is a political stunt to force to pass over in silence the Armenian issue, which is a serious violation of international law and a challenge to the legitimacy of the global diplomatic process.
The world community, especially such state actors as the United States, must demand that Azerbaijan release the Armenian prisoners of war and political leaders held illegally.”

“Ruben Vardanyan is my friend, and I declare that he is a decent man who has always tried to look at the public from a more inclusive perspective than his personal gain. That is why he is included in the public platform, I mean our contemporary civic issues, to make life better for the people of his community. He is a person to whom we should express gratitude, not shut him down somewhere in Baku. This is an unjust arrest against an individual and the government of Azerbaijan would do well to release him immediately. I will continue to speak out and defend this demand. This is unfair, it should not be, and it is not the way human beings should communicate with each other. It is a concentration of mistreatment of each other, and as a result of this mistreatment of each other, it snowballs and becomes a terrible problem, up to and including mass atrocities and even genocide. We do not take enough time to be kind to one another, to be tolerant and more just. This is exactly the poisonous fruit of the tree of injustice that we have nurtured for generations.
As a South African freedom fighter seems to have said years ago, “Let my people go!” Right? So, release Ruben! Let him go, let him go home, let him go to his family! He does not hurt anyone! He is trying to contribute to the prosperity of mankind, and to the protection of those people who have been threatened. He is such a person that we should be grateful to, not imprison him”.

“When we think of Nelson Mandela, we remember him as a man who went through a struggle and came out the other side. When I think of one of our founders (of the international educational movement United World Colleges, UWC), Ruben Vardanyan, I take a look at the life of Nelson Mandela and say that there are people who go through the fire of life. By God’s will, they come out of that fire and have an even greater impact for change. I have witnessed that during my life”.

“As someone who follows the Azerbaijani press on a daily basis, I can say that no one has been subjected to such organized and dangerous pressure as Vardanyan. The Azerbaijani side did not calm down even after illegally arresting Vardanyan in Baku. They link him with various forces, up to the Azerbaijani opposition. All this, of course, is not new, I have repeatedly written and spoken about it, noting also that all this hype around Vardanyan is related to his authority, capabilities and the fact that he failed to destroy all their agreements.
But there is a new component to this story. At the moment when Baku is discussing the possibility of a trial of illegally detained Armenians, the Armenian leadership led by Nikol Pashinyan begins to purposefully attack Vardanyan. Pashinyan raises unfounded, empty and dangerous for the state questions against him, which is typical of his style. He does this in a situation when Vardanyan is in prison in Baku and has no opportunity to respond or react”.

“I remember one of our conversations with Ruben Vardanyan… It was probably July 2023. We were talking about our love for Artsakh, and do you know what he said? It is very deeply imprinted in my memory… He said: “I thought I had done a lot for my people, for my homeland. I think if one day my little son asks me: “Dad, why are you Armenian?” What I will say to him? I tried to answer the question and realized that I didn’t have an answer, because being Armenian is not about helping the homeland and financial support… That very day I made a decision to go to live in Artsakh, where my compatriots are in need”.
I think it’s interesting what benefit Ruben Vardanyan had in coming to Artsakh… When a person is self-sufficient, when both in financial issues and in the issue of recognition he has reached the top, he needs to rediscover himself, and by coming to Artsakh Ruben Vardanyan essentially solved this problem.
At first we had some doubts, but after 5-10 meetings, conversations, seeing what he does, we were convinced that the man feels his homeland, and this homeland felt him. Artsakh people began to love and appreciate what he had done, because when during the blockade many rich and empowered people did not live as a nation, Ruben Vardanyan was together with all of us. If there was no bread in the stores, it means that he had no bread either”.

“Ruben has always acted exclusively in the interests and for the benefit of the people of Artsakh and on his part has tried to do everything possible and even impossible for the people of Artsakh to continue to live peacefully in their millennia-old homeland. Before Ruben moved to Artsakh, I personally engaged in numerous discussions with him, as a result of which the decision to move to Artsakh became even stronger in him. Moving to Artsakh was his personal and conscious decision, as he was convinced that he needed to be with the people of Artsakh in this most difficult situation.
At the very least, I do not understand the position of the Prime Minister of Armenia regarding Ruben Vardanyan, a man who has done so much for Armenia, having made a huge contribution in terms of both investment of money and implementation of significant educational and infrastructural programs and projects that have made Armenia and the Armenian people known all over the world. Ruben Vardanyan, an Armenian citizen, is currently illegally imprisoned in Baku. And if a citizen of a country finds himself in the prison of another country, and even more so illegally, and is held there in flagrant violation of all norms of international law, the first priority of that country is to release its citizen, and not to find all sorts of justifications why this is not being done”.

“Ruben Vardanyan lived and worked in Russia for many years, was engaged in charity work here and supported dozens of humanitarian projects. 11 months ago, Azerbaijani security forces seized the philanthropist while he was trying to enter Armenia from Artsakh and sent him to a pre-trial detention center on spurious charges. Armenia’s reaction (although, rather, its absence) is also surprising: it is as if official Yerevan does not notice the man who supported Armenians in NKR materially and morally during a difficult period for this country. During these 11 months, Armenia has not stood up for the social entrepreneur and has not actively supported him.
A logical question arises: why does not Russia stand up for the philanthropist in distress? Yes, it would be reasonable to remind Vardanyan that he once renounced his Russian citizenship. But this act had an important reason: the social entrepreneur gave up his Russian passport before moving to Artsakh in the midst of the military conflict. He did not want to involve Moscow in an already difficult situation.
The fact that his Russian educational and humanitarian projects continue to operate in our country also speaks in favor of the fact that Vardanyan did not sever ties with the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that their author and ideologist has already been in Baku’s prison for 11 months.
I am convinced that Vardanyan’s visionary and entrepreneurial talents could now be successfully used to normalize various conflicts and build strong interstate relations”.

“Ruben Vardanyan, an entrepreneur and philanthropist of Armenian origin, who made a name for himself here in Russia and implements (even from prison) humanitarian projects all over the world, including our country, has been imprisoned in an Azerbaijani prison for 11 months.
Yes, he formally renounced his Russian citizenship, but both then and even more so now it is obvious to everyone that he did so, first, in support of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, who are drowning in the crisis of economic blockade. And secondly (which is more important for us than the first), by this refusal he saved Moscow from unnecessary speculations about the notorious Russian trace in the political life of the region. And Moscow, it must be said, did not become a participant in the military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. And the victorious Azerbaijan captivated the ex-heads of the republic.
And what did Vardanyan get in return for his explicit and implicit loyalty?
As time passes, the Armenian authorities do not bother to release their prisoners, which suggests that they simply do not need philanthropists and political heavyweights of Vardanyan’s caliber when they are free.
Russia, on the contrary, needs them very much, and here is why.
During his years of work in the international arena, Vardanyan has built up an international business, implemented and continues to implement humanitarian and charitable projects. At the same time, he has retained ties with the Armenian diaspora and influential people who make decisions around the world. His international projects are naive and simple proof that he knows how to negotiate with people of different levels.
So, when Russia’s military success turns into economic one, we will vitally need businessmen and politicians who know how to work in an international (read: hostile) field. And to work effectively, that is, to show results and to establish, despite everything, mutually beneficial relations.
Life shows that people like Vardanyan can handle such difficult tasks in the interests of their Motherland. And it is his release that we should work on first of all”.

“Before moving to the disputed territory, Vardanyan had been living in our country for more than 20 years and invested a lot of effort and money in its development. It is no exaggeration to say that it was thanks to him that the institute of social entrepreneurship appeared in Russia. Vardanyan became the one of founders of the Skolkovo School of Management and dozens of humanitarian projects. By the way, all his Russian initiatives work today, and he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in April.
Vardanyan repeatedly called Russia a key partner of Armenia and pointed to the leading role of the Russian Federation in the peaceful settlement of the situation in the South Caucasus. In addition, he spoke with great respect about the work of Russian peacekeepers and stated the need for their presence in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Today, when, according to Sergei Lavrov, Russian-Armenian relations have entered a stage of half-disintegration, such people like Ruben Vardanyan are simply necessary on the political stage. And I hope that he will be able to go free in order to reassemble our historical union”.

“It is a rare phenomenon, but Vardanyan is really an unbiased politician who has always advocated friendly and mutually beneficial relations between Russia and Armenia.
Before moving to Nagorno-Karabakh, Vardanyan had lived and worked in the Russian Federation for many years: he was engaged in charity and supported educational projects, stood at the origins of the Skolkovo School of Management. His Russian projects continued their work even after the arrest of the philanthropist. Armenia is traditionally considered Russia’s main ally in Transcaucasia, but today the relations between the two countries can hardly be called friendly. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to ignore what is happening: while Yerevan is silent, former members of the NKR government are in the Baku pre-trial detention center, and among them is Vardanyan, who can assist in strengthening relations between Yerevan and Moscow”.

“How many of our people are in Baku prisons? Twenty? Thirty? Twenty-three?.. We don’t even know…
Armenia forgot about them, the world, peacekeepers, mediators, everybody forgot about them… And we, Armenians.
Just Armenians, very young and already very old. Ordinary people and those who were in power… Ruben Vardanyan. He stands out. Probably, because his story is special, one of those stories on the basis of which scripts are written…
What is their fault?
There is a fault. They are very guilty. They were unlucky – they were born Armenians. This was a crime.
Their names… Photos of our hostages, everyone, should hang on the streets of Yerevan. And in the center of the city, on the roof of the opera, for example, the counter would have to count days that they are in the Baku prison”.

“From the first days of its establishment, our foundation has been serviced by the best company for foundations @philinphilgood. I entrusted all audits, legal and financial issues to the strongest. The company was built by a great, decent, strong and intelligent Man – Ruben Vardanyan. I love the @noodomeclub space and have been proud to meet Veronika Feliksovna since 2020. He is wise and brave Man. He is a role model for me.
Below are Ruben Karlenovich’s words about the team and like-minded people. This is about you and me, guys) ❤️
“I never believed one person could change everything. Another thing is when he unites a number of like-minded people around an interesting idea, then unique projects are realized. All our projects – the international humanitarian initiative “Aurora”, projects in Armenia, Russia, for example, Philgood and Philin, the business school “Skolkovo” and the business club “Atlanta”, which we do together with Mikhail Voronin – are all about working together with many like-minded people.
Thanks to it, the environment and space are changing.
somewhere more, somewhere less,
somewhere on a large scale, somewhere locally”.
The main thing is that it is changing)

“We must constantly remind the world that torture and the length of incarceration have created conditions that threaten the lives of these people. And it cannot be that life in Armenia or among Armenians around the world simply continued as usual, while our people are doomed to unspeakable suffering, are behind bars and are tortured by the state, which has repeatedly demonstrated nothing more than intention to destroy the Armenian people. Indifference in these circumstances is unacceptable, since we should be the voice of our illegally detained compatriots, whose lives hang in the balance”.

“Ruben Vardanyan was captured when the Azerbaijani army was sent to Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed region between Azerbaijan and Armenia. In Nagorno-Karabakh, he tried to protect the local Armenian population from the coming violence. After a complete blockade lasting ten months, which deprived the local population of food, fuel and medical supplies, Azerbaijan is forcing more than 100,000 Armenians to leave their homes, leave their property and flee. Many called it genocide.
Ruben is an experienced and dedicated business executive. He has dedicated himself to a number of charitable causes, including schools, colleges, and the Aurora Prize, which honors individuals for their outstanding humanitarian work around the world (of which I am a Board Member).
Now the international community has got an opportunity to respond to the illegal arrest of Vardanyan, as well as other Armenian prisoners illegally detained in Baku. Just a year after the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan, in November this year, this country is preparing to host the UN Climate Change Summit COP29 in its capital Baku. These are the largest global climate talks this year.
MEPs have openly called for a boycott. A growing number of governments around the world are expressing dissatisfaction with Azerbaijan’s behavior. I sincerely hope that the newly appointed UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy will also join this growing “chorus” given his commitment to human rights. The UN should demand that Azerbaijan release all Armenian prisoners before the COP29 summit, as well as review the procedure for selecting host countries in the future.”

“In the last decade Ruben Vardanyan has stepped away from business and has been involved in philanthropy. His humanitarian projects are still working in many countries, including Russia. Vardanyan was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for preventing a humanitarian catastrophe in NKR. And for the fact that in times of crisis he sincerely wanted to help his people looks at least plausible. Some will find this position naive, but I believe that there are still enough ideological people in the world. Vardanyan is definitely one of them. He was the only wealthy Armenian who responded to my call to save Karabakh. He abandoned everything and came there. Hero. Freedom to Ruben!”

“Armenian-born Ruben Vardanyan has lived in Russia for a long time and has done a lot for our country. In recent years, he moved away from business and concentrated on charitable activities: the philanthropist developed humanitarian initiatives and, in fact, founded the Institute of Social Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation.
His renunciation of Russian citizenship and his relocation to NKR caused perplexity to many. Although Vardanyan himself did not hide the reasons. His sole purpose was to help the people of NKR survive the war and blockade. And do it from the perspective not of an outsider, but of an insider.
Even after his departure, the philanthropist continued to participate in Russian projects and in fact remained a member of the society of Russia. Therefore, today his fate deserves at least the attention of the Russian authorities. And as a maximum – active participation at least in the form of publicity”.

“I like Ruben Vardanyan very much for a number of reasons. First of all, everything is clear to me, what a person does in life, his values, his deeds. But what brings me closest to Ruben is his philanthropy and his desire to spend his energies and funds for the development of our society in Russia, as well as in his homeland in Armenia. I know of very few such examples. Ruben is now going through a difficult and dangerous journey, I really hope these sacrifices are not in vain. I believe that he can make it. We look forward to seeing you and many more good and helpful things to come! God save you!”

“Ruben Vardanyan has proven himself to be an unabashed supporter of peace not only in our region, but also in the entire world. He is a world-renowned philanthropist, businessman and co-founder of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, which supports peace making, education and medical care for people around the world”.

“A man who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for helping people during the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan remains in custody. Vardanyan prevented a humanitarian catastrophe in Karabakh by organizing many social projects in the region supporting the peaceful population.
Vardanyan’s letter, read by his wife at the Aurora award ceremony (Vardanyan is one of its founders), says: “I have decided to be together with those who need help and help them in any way I can. I’ve been completely isolated from the outside world for eight months now, and I have a lot of time to think. And I do not regret my choice at all”.

“Thousands of Armenians spoke about their readiness to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Karabakh, but only a few did it. This is not a stone in the garden of those who did not move – most of them helped, supported and did what they could. Thank you. But Vardanyan came there. And stayed. It is hard to imagine that a financial grandmaster, who is able to calculate everything several steps ahead, did not consider a failure. He knew for sure where and why (and with whom) he was going. He took a risk, realizing that even if he wins, he will have to wait for champagne for a long time. To hell with champagne and black caviar, when in Stepanakert you live in a blockade: there is no light, no heat, no bread, no help either. Yerevan is somewhere far away, Moscow is even farther away. And here comes the special forces, all in black, handcuffs on hands, head in the floor, one hundred and twenty thousand Karabakh people have to go to Armenia, Vardanyan and several other NKR officials – to sunny Baku. Yerevan is “gracefully” silent. The public response oscilloscope is serenely calm, no spikes. What is happening with us Armenians? Or already happened?!”

“A couple of weeks ago I traveled again to my beloved Armenia with my son. We familiarized ourselves with the school in Dilijan, founded by Vardanyan, because it is the place where Misha would like to study (though it would not hurt to enroll there first). And there, in that school in Dilijan, I thought how cool it is when a person is far-sighted enough to create an international school on the territory of poor, half-destroyed Armenia. Students from all over the world come to this international school to get to know and love Armenia and Armenians, to soak in this culture, warmth and hospitality, and then return back to Uruguay, Brazil, Australia, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine, Portugal, Egypt, Zimbabwe. Yes, believe it or not, there are students from all these countries studying in Dilijan and telling people about small, wonderful, sunny Armenia. This is how Ruben decided to popularize his country.
I also learned that in recent months he has found money to pay tuition in Dilijan for a dozen refugee children from Nagorno-Karabakh. Probably, if I had a seven-flowered flower today, I would spend one petal on returning freedom to Ruben Vardanyan”.

“In Russia, it is Ruben Vardanyan who is credited with creating the institute of social entrepreneurship. His charitable initiatives are known not only in Russia and Armenia, but all over the world. For example, one of Vardanyan’s projects in Russia is Philin Philgood, a service for professional philanthropy, which has won over 25 major industry awards. Since 2014, the company has helped a hundred Russian charitable foundations and NGOs to solve social problems. In addition, the philanthropist has donated large sums to the Dr. Lisa Foundation and consulted on management issues for other foundations, including “Gift of Life”.
In September 2022, Vardanyan moved to Nagorno-Karabakh, where he agreed to take the post of state minister of the unrecognized republic. However, he only stayed in this position for a few months. But while in public office, he continued his humanitarian work and was active in helping the locals. The territorial development agency “We are our Mountains” founded by him did everything to alleviate the hardships of war time and blockade for the Artsakh people”.

“Ruben Vardanyan is a graduate of Moscow State University, a talented businessman, and has been among the top richest people in Russia since 2011. At different times he has served on the boards of directors of major companies. He spent a lot of energy and money on charity and paid a lot of attention to helping Armenia.
A man who had everything in life risked everything for his beliefs.
Vardanyan’s appearance in the republic [Artsakh] has become an international news flashpoint: history knows few examples of billionaires exchanging their comfortable lives for an adventurous position in an unrecognized republic at war.
A unique oligarch of the entire post-Soviet space: having amassed a billion-dollar fortune, he did not have luxury yachts and huge houses, but went where he was in real danger. He didn’t leave until the very last. He stayed with the people. Unfortunately, our military was unable to prevent his arrest”.

“He is a peacemaker, a man of formidable scope and vision, amazing loyalty, kindness and generosity. All of Ruben’s activities have always been of a constructive creative nature. And of course, with this kind of activity by Ruben, the situation [Varadyan’s arrest] is not just absurd – it’s upsetting. As for the decision of the Nobel Committee [to nominate Ruben Vardanyan for the Nobel Peace Prize], it is absolutely deserved, thoughtful”.

“Vardanyan was one of the most famous figures of Artsakh and knew no fear. He was brave and spoke honestly. And this is always a big threat to genocidal regimes because they operate on the basis of propaganda rather than truth. Vardanyan spoke a harsh truth for Azerbaijan: the Artsakh people have the right to self-determination, which is accepted and must be recognized by international law. Moreover, Ruben Vardanyan has a global reputation in the field of humanitarian activities, he is respected at the global level”.

“Wherever and however many times I was there [in Armenia], I kept coming across stories about Vardanyan: ‘Have you been to Dilijan?’ Have you seen what international school Vardanyan has opened there?’ or ‘We are sitting in a restaurant, celebrating! They received the Aurora Prize, which Vardanyan established’. Vardanyan spent all his time in Stepanakert for the last couple of years and spent countless amounts of his own money to feed, treat, and support people who were soon to leave their homes and become refugees. In my opinion, at some point it became obvious to the whole world that the exodus of Armenians from these territories was inevitable, that there would be thousands of refugees. Vardanyan thought so too. But he stayed there with his people in a totally desperate situation and continued to help. Ruben Vardanyan is an incredible romantic, a man of donkikhot nobility, the pride of Armenians all over the world and, I think, the great pride of all mankind. And now, having committed no crime, Vardanyan sits in prison in Azerbaijan and is accused of financing terrorism, creating and participating in the activities of illegal armed groups. The fact that the world has gone mad is no news to anyone, but I keep thinking it’s treatable…”

“Ruben Vardanyan deliberately invested money in solving acute social problems, developing education, and supporting the preservation of cultural values. His projects include, for example, Philin Philgood, a company that facilitates the work of dozens of Russian charitable foundations and other NPOs. Vardanyan continued to be engaged in charity even in the post of the State Minister of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, as for him the people he tried to help were always at the top of the list. Let’s hope that Baku will hear the voice of reason and agree with the calls for liberation, which are sounding louder and louder”.

“He was a philanthropist and humanitarian of international stature and is known for the decades of work he did with his family, done regardless of who the charitable programs were aimed at. The beneficiaries of his charitable programs have been from different nations and religions. We hoped that the Azerbaijani state should not have qualified Ruben Vardanyan as it happened. This was a big blow to the global humanitarian community. For this reason, this action has displeased all those concerned with humanity and human rights”.

“In his short term as the state minister [of Artsakh], Vardanyan had little time to accomplish anything. In all his interviews and statements he was tactful, not belligerent, did not promote any ideas of revanchism and spoke about Karabakh more from the point of view of the need to protect its Armenian population and heritage. I came to Stepanakert for the last time when Vardanyan had just been appointed. This was just weeks before the blockade and the closure of the Lachin corridor. Karabakh people have always been mistrustful of the aliens, and after losing the war they were even more withdrawn and gloomy. The last 40 years have taught them that people from the outside will turn out to be temporary at best, and at worst will abandon them at the worst possible moment, like the Soviet internal troops, like the Russian peacekeepers. Vardanyan’s arrival in Karabakh was viewed philosophically: “It can’t get any worse, but maybe he will succeed. And in those circumstances, as a state minister, nothing was expected of him. But Vardanyan made a breakthrough elsewhere. Probably never during the entire existence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has any Karabakh politician – president or commander – been quoted by the world press as often as Vardanyan. He was a world-renowned speaker of a tiny region lost on the map. Apparently, this is what determined his place in Baku’s “black list”.

“He [Vardanyan] launched a lot of social and charitable projects. I’m telling a story he told himself. When his picture appeared on the cover of Forbes magazine, that’s when he and his wife [Veronica Zonabend] decided it was time to talk to their son, he was 14 years old. They sat him down across from them and said, “You see, we’re not leaving you this money. Because there are so many projects to do. That’s where we’re going to spend the money”. To which their son said an extremely clever line, “I get it. Just don’t leave me debts”.

“When he came to Artsakh, I knew him as Ruben Vardanyan. Before that people wondered why he should leave everything and go to Artsakh, what he would do here, what purpose he was moving for. In short, he was treated with distrust. But when I met him, you know what surprised me? His loyalty, his responsiveness, the kind of person he is. Anytime I approached him, he was available to listen, discuss and help. One of the guys told how during the blockade he carried his pregnant wife in his arms to the hospital. I won’t forget how Ruben Vardanyan reacted. It was a shock for him. He immediately came up with the idea of finding electric cars and using them for that purpose. Remember, he helped run a canteen that was used by over 600 people daily, and those who could not go to the canteen had their lunch brought to their homes. And you know what’s interesting? Ruben Vardanyan personally conducted classes with young volunteers who helped with these issues. He said that education is the foundation of everything. He gave great intellectual values to the youth. Before the war he visited our village, Poghosagomer in Mardakert district. There is a church of the Holy Savior there, and he wanted to see it. People gathered, said what they needed (this was in August), he ordered to prepare wood stoves, because he looked ahead and knew that the blockade would last a long time. I have never met such a person who gave so much and took nothing, and he only gave to us, even gave up his family for the sake of Artsakh. He gave everything”.
“For the people of Karabakh, Ruben Vardanyan is not just an official who held the post of state minister for some time, but a man whose devotion to his people was never doubted. During the worst times of the blockade, he saved from hunger those who could not survive on their own. He opened a free canteen and replenished the food reserve of the region. He organized cultural centers. He supported the elderly and children. The Azerbaijani authorities declared him a criminal for this activity and detained him on September 27 last year. It is not clear why Azerbaijan is stalling and for what geopolitical purposes it plans to use Vardanyan’s arrest. In any case, the most advantageous position now for the image of Aliyev and Azerbaijan is to pardon the former state minister. It will play much better for the country’s reputation on the world arena”.

“President Ilham Aliyev could initiate a series of reforms, bringing his country closer to international human rights standards. He could begin by heeding to international calls to release Armenian political prisoners currently being illegally detained, the most well-known being prominent businessman and humanitarian Ruben Vardanyan. President Aliyev would earn the respect and goodwill of the international community, and help Azerbaijan gain a greater status on the world stage, a goal it is desperate to reach.”

“We need to do everything to get him [Ruben] out [of the Baku prison]. He needs to be in Armenia. The currently captive presidents of Artsakh, they are citizens of Armenia. They, too, need to be in Armenia. It is an enormous tragedy for these people and their families. I wish their families and children the strength to endure and survive all that is happening.”

“Ruben Vardanyan is a powerful personality on an international level. He has helped the entire world. He came [to Nagorno-Karabakh] only with intentions to help, because the people of Karabakh had suffered a great deal.”

«ARMENIA NEEDS HELP. Just learned that my friend Ruben Vartanian is a prisoner in Azerbaijan. He had switched career from derivatives trader/philanthropist to leader of the Artzakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). He is not even treated as a prisoner of war, but as a “terrorist”».

“I want to address the state of Azerbaijan. The leaders of the Republic of Artsakh — Bako Sahakyan, Arayik Harutyunyan, Arkady Ghukasyan, Ruben Vardanyan — are in Azerbaijani prisons. But we haven’t seen them at all late-ly. I would like to see (not only me, but the entire Armenian people) some new footage showing the faces of Bako Sahakyan, Arkady Ghukasyan, Arayik Harutyunyan, Levon Mnatsakanyan, and Ruben Vardanyan, how they live, how they are treated.”

“When Ruben Vardanyan came to Artsakh, we did not understand at first. Artsakh already had problems with accepting and understanding people after numerous betrayals. Even when he started talking about drastic changes and big plans, it was still unclear. But after a short time Ruben Vardanyan man-aged to show that he was one of us. Once, when we talked with him: me not as an MP and he not as a state minister, but instead me as a native of Yerevan and he as a non-native of Artsakh, and we still shared our feelings for the Motherland.
I said that sometimes I catch myself thinking that such feelings for Artsakh are abnormal, that I don’t know if it is love or concern. The land of Artsakh, its water, everything, even the dust rising on the side of the road — this degree of love is abnormal. He also spoke about his feelings.
He said that before moving to Artsakh, he always thought that if one day one of his children asked him why he was Armenian — what would he answer? And I realized that the feelings I experienced were very similar to his. And that many people feel the same. In other words, each of us has a struggle with self-fulfillment amid this chaotic situation created by the authorities. And yes, many people came to Artsakh to live and create, to save Artsakh in order to confirm their right to be worthy of this land.
Ruben Vardanyan is one of them. In a very short time, he showed that feelings for the Motherland are not in a comfortable living, not in luxury, feelings for the Motherland are in sharing its pain and suffering. This is the purpose of his life. He even bought a house in the village of Kolatak and lived there. He com-muted to Stepanakert every day until the fuel problem worsened. During this time, he implemented many programs to make people’s life easier under siege.”

“The nine months of the blockade were the most important indicator, which, like a bare nerve, showed who is who. Even today I can think of 100 people ready to devote the rest of their lives to the mission of restoring Armenia and reviving the Armenian world.
Justice demands that this row begin with the “prison twin cities” — Ruben Vardanyan (Baku), Armen Ashotyan (Yerevan). It’s time to ask ourselves what our state is about, how we see it, and what we expect from ourselves. We need to continue the list of missionaries’ names — let others add more names, and we must keep moving forward.”

“The tragedy continues to unfold in Armenia. Azerbaijan is guilty of arbitrarily detaining former Artsakh officials and destroying the Armenian heritage on this territory.
Our thoughts are with the victims, their families, as well as with the 100,000 refugees and political prisoners held by Azerbaijan. On December 10, in cele-bration of the International Human Rights Day, I will grant honorary citizen-ship of Paris to the representatives of Artsakh Armenians.
Paris also calls for the immediate release of all Armenian prisoners held by Azerbaijan.”

“I’m still trying to understand why numerous Armenian prisoners are being held in Azerbaijan. The European Union demands that we start peace negotia-tions by the end of this year, but how can peace be established when people are still being illegally held in Azerbaijan, including Ruben Vardanyan, David Babayan, David Manukyan, David Ishkhanyan, Levon Mnatsakanyan, former presidents Arkady Ghukasyan, Arayik Harutyunyan, Bako Sahakyan…
My question is addressed to the EU and other organizations that make useless demands without studying all the nuances, ignoring the illegal seizure of Arme-nian lands and detention of Armenians by Azerbaijanis. To start negotiations, first, begin with the release of all captured Armenians.”

“A well-known philanthropist who devoted his life to humanitarian and cul-tural projects, former state minister of Artsakh Ruben Vardanyan, was de-tained exactly one month ago.
The Armenian Assembly condemns the illegal abduction of Ruben Vardanyan by Azerbaijan at an illegal checkpoint in the Lachin corridor on September 27.
There charges faced are absurd and the prominent philanthropist is now look-ing at up to 14 years in prison.
Ruben Vardanyan’s humanitarian contributions are invaluable for the Armeni-an and international community.
He abandoned his everyday life and travelled to Artsakh to facilitate its devel-opment and share all hardships of the blockade and war with residents of the republic. Ruben Vardanyan was determined to help find a peaceful solution to the conflict.
We believe that justice will prevail, that Ruben Vardanyan will be free and re-turn to his family soon!”

“Ruben, we remember you. At present, my main goal is assisting in the release of Ruben Vardanyan and other political prisoners in Azerbaijan.”

“Over the past 23 years, together with Ruben, we have implemented dozens of humanitarian and charitable projects in Armenia. Last fall Ruben moved to Artsakh to help residents regain their dignity and resist the pressure they had been under. He served as state minister for three months, and remained in Artsakh even after leaving this post to implement humanitarian projects and better help the people. I believe Ruben is a symbol of all Armenians. The sole purpose of his arrest, and his charges, is to subject 10 million Armenians around the world to psychological torture. I hope that international players will not stand back nor encourage this injustice and impunity. We need to oppose it now.”

“Telegram channels have already reported about the joint visit of Human Rights Defender of Armenia, Anahit Manasyan, and Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, to the locations of temporary residence for forced migrants from Nagorno-Karabakh.
Mijatović is meeting with officials, international organizations and civil society representatives and intends to make a statement on the visit results.
I join the experts in wondering whether the name of Ruben Vardanyan detained by Azerbaijani forces will be included in this statement. He is currently under arrest in Baku along with other prisoners.
The Azerbaijani authorities led by Ilham Aliyev are candid regarding their attitude to the issue — for instance, take a recent video with the president, where he tramples on the flag of the unrecognized republic.
One cannot count on Pashinyan to help, so only Russia can accelerate Vardanyan’s release. The Russian Federation should not abandon the person whose humanitarian and educational projects continue to work despite his detention. For example, the Skolkovo business school, whose graduates have already come up with a letter in support of Vardanyan.”

“I believe Vardanyan can play a significant role in the region’s events. While another full-scale war is brewing in the Middle East, Karabakh is gradually fading into the background.
At first glance, everything has calmed down: Azerbaijan is starting to establish a new life in the region; it has launched restoration work, as well as construction of housing and infrastructure. No ethnic cleansing reports have been confirmed: Armenians willing to leave are free to go, they don’t have to run barefoot, without luggage under whizzing bullets like Azerbaijanis in the 1990s.
That being said, Ruben Vardanyan is still in a Baku prison. Having given the situation some thought, I believe that Baku has a trump card capable of solving several problems at once — granting pardon to Vardanyan.
Firstly, Ruben Vardanyan is not a killing squad member of the First Karabakh War. As loud as it may sound, he is a world-renowned businessman and philanthropist with many charitable projects, who, on the wave of idealistic patriotism, rushed to help his people. Given his influence, Vardanyan can be quite effectively exchanged for, let’s say, actual murderers deserving punishment.
Secondly, the pardon destroys the narrative built by Baku’s enemies about “the cruel and barbaric country of Azerbaijan, punishing everyone it can reach” — there is guilt, there is punishment for the most vicious criminals, but there is also generosity for those who cannot be called murderers or genocide architects. Due to his prominence, Vardanyan’s pardon would have a powerful effect in the global media, forcing many people to rethink the imposed assessments of the situation.
Finally, the pardon would once again show who is working toward signing a peace treaty and being constructive, and who is after retaining power through insane diplomatic somersaults. It is another argument for Western friends to put pressure on Nikol Pashinyan and move closer to signing a peace treaty — which also would benefit other countries of the region and Russia (for which it is vital to start a new chapter of relations with the South Caucasus states when both Azerbaijan and Armenia are considered allies).
Pardoning Ruben Vardanyan would help reach several more goals than a prison sentence — both in terms of politics, reputation and diplomacy. In my opinion, this is the right decision.”

“A human rights activist from the Council of Europe is making a big tour of the far region. Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović wheels around Armenia as a VIP guest. In May, she already claimed human rights violations in Baku. Will her position change now that the local security forces are holding the former leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh captive? How will Dunja react to the merciful cup of tea that the detainees receive according to Ilham Aliyev?
What is even more interesting is Mijatović’s personal attitude to the fact that prominent philanthropist and public figure Ruben Vardanyan, who is only guilty of wanting to support the Armenians of Karabakh and moving there amid the military conflict, is languishing in a dungeon of Baku.
Does Dunja know about his detention? Most likely, yes. Vardanyan’s personality is too big for the prison bars opening. Ruben’s projects have helped thousands of people and brought educational innovations in Russia and Armenia to a new level. But knowing something doesn’t mean you can ask awkward questions. Especially when the European Union takes part in settling the conflict.
Apparently, Russia will still have to deal with Vardanyan’s detention. At least, the public is already actively discussing this insane and illegal arrest.”

“From a human point of view, it is very inspiring when a wealthy and successful businessman leaves Moscow for a war zone.
Nagorno-Karabakh was such a zone when Ruben Vardyanan, known for his Troika Dialog company, moved there a few years ago. He did not just travel there but actually headed into Nagorno-Karabakh for a short time, acting as its state minister.
Publicly declaring his intention to go to Nagorno-Karabakh in September of last year, Ruben Vardanyan noted that he was doing it not for political reasons but with a humanitarian mission. “Residents of the republic have survived two wars and lost their relatives and friends in the fight for independence. They feel abandoned,” he emphasized, expressing gratitude to Russia for its presence in the region. Once Nagorno-Karabakh was liquidated and occupied by Azerbaijani troops, he was arrested.
“Will the man who called himself the prime minister of Karabakh dare to threaten us today?” the president of Azerbaijan rhetorically asked, adding that Vardanyan and other detained NKR leaders were served tea in a remand prison.
When Ruben Vardanyan was allowed to call home from the Azerbaijani prison, he only said that his condition was normal. The actual situation is unknown at the moment — Azerbaijan has no institutions similar to Russian public oversight committees (which can check the detention conditions of any prisoner). Neither the Red Cross nor any other international organizations have inspected the prison conditions yet.
Unfortunately, Ruben Vardanyan is not formally associated with Russia anymore. In last year’s interview to Forbes magazine, he stated that he had obtained an Armenian passport and renounced Russian citizenship, “I want to have complete freedom of action, including from a moral standpoint. After all, Artsakh is a territory that still has no full-fledged definite status, and I don’t want to set Russia up in this conflict.”
His motivation (he believes that “After the 2020 war, we, Armenians of the world, must be together with Artsakh”) was absolutely clear. It is only logical that protecting the rights of Armenian citizens (including Ruben Vardanyan) must be among the Armenian authorities’ top priorities. The release of people who had no part in military operations but worked in the Nagorno-Karabakh government, can and should be included in the terms of peace agreements between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This endeavor could be supported by the influential Armenian diaspora in many countries, which for years has been talking about Nagorno-Karabakh as a symbol for the entire Armenian people. Probably, the Armenian diaspora in Russia could also be more active in defending one of its prominent representatives. We should not forget that thousands of people, active members of Russian civil society, have passed through Vardanyan’s projects — the Skolkovo business school, Aurora social projects and others. Their voices could facilitate the philanthropist’s release despite his renunciation of Russian citizenship.”

“In light of Pashinyan’s recent statements, the quadrilateral meeting with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the leaders of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia may be postponed indefinitely.
The fate of the Karabakh prisoners, who are still being held in Azerbaijan, could have been decided during the meeting. One of the people arrested by the Azerbaijani forces is our former citizen Ruben Vardanyan, a social entrepreneur and philanthropist whose humanitarian projects continue to work in Russia.
Let me remind you of a few. First and foremost, we have the Philin Philgood company, which provides comprehensive services to charitable foundations and other NPOs: it offers legal and accounting support, selects personnel, creates IT solutions. Over the nine years since its creation, Philin has helped more than a hundred Russian NPOs.
Also, we cannot ignore Vardanyan’s contribution to educational development. He co-founded the Scholae Mundi charity foundation, served on the board of trustees of MSU and RANEPA, created the international college UWC Dilijan in Dilijan, where high school students from many countries, including Russia, study.
Even after leaving for Nagorno-Karabakh, Ruben Vardanyan maintained close contact with colleagues and like-minded people who remained in Russia. I think eventually he will be released. Perhaps an exchange will take place. I am sure that releasing the philanthropist after the negotiations will benefit Russia and reinforce our influence as architects of peace.”

“Amid the recent events in the world, the tragedy of the former Nagorno-Karabakh leaders arrested by Azerbaijan and our compatriot, Ruben Vardanyan, in particular are out of the limelight.
Vardanyan is no stranger to Russian charity. For many years, he helped Doctor Liza’s Foundation, responding, among other things, to emergency requests for helping homeless people. I know he helped both the Khabenskiy’s Foundation and Podari Zhizn. Yet, unlike many, he never publicly showed off his charity. Actually, not many philanthropists help the homeless: this is a very stigmatized area. Vardanyan really sympathized with it all. I know that recently he called his family, saying that everything was fine, and he asked his relatives to continue helping those in need, including refugees.
Overall, I’ve been closely watching how Vardanyan gave up everything and left to help his native Karabakh. Simply because a person willing to risk everything, his life included, and to give up such things as daily comfort, security, confidence in his future for the sake of an idea already demands respect. And in line with the laws of universal justice, people who provide assistance to those in need should get some good in return.
I sincerely do not understand why Vardanyan has to be in prison. In theory, his fate should have drawn at least the Armenian authorities’ attention, but they are still silent. I think that Russia should also get involved in his future: apparently, the situation cannot be resolved without it. I sincerely hope that this resolution will come.”

“Ilya Ananyev, expert in political and regional communications and author of the Telegram channel Sprosite Ananyeva (“Ask Ananyev”), exclusively for Moskovskaya Prachechnaya.
I am a little surprised by Russia’s reaction to the arrest and imprisonment of Ruben Vardanyan. The Kremlin’s reaction is more or less clear: it’s big politics, caution is required when getting involved in another conflict. Perhaps there is some secret empathy toward their “ambassador of Artsakh” and maybe even undisclosed negotiations (I believe it’s possible) with Azerbaijan on releasing the well-known philanthropist and businessman.
But there is another Russia — Russian Armenians, Gazprom-Media, businesses, small and medium entrepreneurs who had received his business angel investments en masse, as well as Skolkovo and its education programs graduates.
If anyone has ever stepped out of their comfort zone, it was Vardanyan. This is exactly the behavior coaches encourage among all successful and accomplished people as they make their first career steps.
Recently, I’ve been truly happy to hear the only voice in the silence around the Artsakh crisis from the Skolkovo School of Management and Andrei Sharonov’s team. They came up with a careful appeal in defense of Ruben Vardanyan, which was nevertheless vital both for the school’s trustee and the school itself. But it drowned in the blockade just like Artsakh.
Hey, everyone from Comedy, the most successful project made in Armenia, and Gazprom-Media, why are you so quiet? Why aren’t there any creative ideas on the “Give Ruben Back” case? So many other parties could easily join the challenge as well.
Look, we ripped the “gun baron” Viktor Bout out of the United States’ grasp and trumpeted that story all over the country, yet we leave the humanitarian and philanthropist who gives Russia the most precious things — brains and education — to smolder in the stench of a prison cell. Isn’t there something wrong with this scale of justice?
“Saving Private Vardanyan” is a strong state’s mission. Kudos to Andrey Sharonov and his small but brave — within the limits of Russian domestic politics — team. They don’t leave their own behind.”

“There is another very important topic. I’m talking about the unresolved fate of Nagorno-Karabakh residents recently detained by Azerbaijan.
As you know, Ruben Vardanyan, a prominent public figure and philanthropist, was among those arrested. People may bring up his citizenship, but let me remind you that in the recent years, he has devoted himself to humanitarian projects that continued working in Russia even after Vardanyan’s detention.
He sponsored Konstantin Khabenskiy’s Foundation, Podari Zhizn and Doctor Liza’s Foundation.
Last fall, Vardanyan moved to Karabakh. Some people spoke about his political ambitions, yet in the end, he stayed there, sacrificing himself for the population’s sake.
He wanted to unite the divided parts of the nation through social projects and launched several initiatives in the unrecognized republic to support its residents.
Alas, as long as the Karabakh people are held in Baku prisons, Aliyev’s claims do not inspire optimism. Will they be left to fend for themselves? Or will Russia interfere?”

“I am deeply saddened and troubled to hear about Ruben Vardanyan’s abduction and illegal arrest by Azerbaijani forces in Artsakh.
I have known Ruben for many years, and I have always been impressed by his intelligence, compassion, dedication, and commitment to Armenia, his family and friends, and all the initiatives he has launched or taken a role in.
Ruben, someone I consider a friend, is a devoted philanthropist, visionary leader and investor who has dedicated his life to the betterment of #Armenia and #Artsakh. His fierce and passionate advocacy for his people is undeniable, while some may have differing views on his methods.
He has made significant contributions to the Armenian community around the globe, and his work in Artsakh has had a great impact. He has helped develop the region’s economy and infrastructure and has played a vital role in promoting peace and reconciliation.
His abduction and arrest clearly violate international law, and they send a chilling message to the Armenian people.
I urge the international community to lend support to promote the fair treatment of the Armenian people and to seek a peaceful resolution in Artsakh. This is no longer about politics. It is about human rights.
I stand together with Ruben and his family during this difficult time.
In addition to supporting #RubenVardanyan, let’s take this opportunity to raise awareness about Artsakh ‘s ongoing challenges.
Since the end of the 2020 war, Armenians have suffered. We have lost our homes, livelihoods, and loved ones. Our people have been displaced, and our land has been destroyed. Whether it be today or the next, we must ensure justice is served. We will raise our voices and rise up to support all Armenians as we work toward rebuilding our lives and forging a brighter future.
Have no doubt.”

“In 2010, I enrolled at Skolkovo, a slightly naive young entrepreneur.
Then I was lucky to start working with Ruben Vardanyan, he became my mentor. After only a few meetings with him, I managed to completely change my worldview, breaking through the glass ceiling I had at the time.
One of the first thoughts that struck me was about the planning horizon. At that time, Lee Kuan Yew was visiting us at Skolkovo with his Singapore development horizon for the future 60 years. Ruben told us that he also planned his actions for 20+ years and explained how he did it.
It was a powerful insight for me. I thought about it and realized that my horizon was not quite defined. More precisely, the dream and long-term goals were seemingly there, but their decomposition along the journey was clearly inadequate.
Thanks to our meetings with Ruben, I realized what partnership is in business and life. And what power lies in it. After that, my second stage of the entrepreneurial path began; it was all about partnership interactions. I saw how powerful it was in life — surrounding yourself with strong people.
For me, Ruben Vardanyan is a person who thinks in four dimensions. For decades to come.
He told us about the circle of trust, about the environment, about the 21st century trend — the community — back when it was not a hot topic, and no one was engaged in communities.
Thanks to Ruben, Atlanty appeared, as well as the Skolkovo business school, the Aurora humanitarian initiative and the Dilijan school. And a huge number of other very cool karmic projects that make our world a better place.
According to Ruben, the most important thing in determining your own strength is how many people will support you in an hour of need.
And I’m sure that now is the time for us to support him so that he returns home to his family as soon as possible and continues to make our world better.
I consider this my small contribution to his great contribution to us!”
#freeRubenVardanyan #вподдержкуРубенаВарданяна #freeRuben

“‘You either work for someone else’s mission or go after your own.’
I here quote Ruben Vardanyan, a phrase he casually passed to me while walking one of Skolkovo’s many corridors. It guided my path for the rest of my life.
I’ve been an entrepreneur for 10 years. His statement was moral permission to become a bit more like Ruben.
I came to the Skolkovo business school as an ambitious young lady in my early 20s and graduated as a young entrepreneur with ambitions of a completely different kind. From ‘successful success’ I desired to create more for the world than for my personal aspirations and dreams.
Once I interviewed Ruben for a book dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Troika Dialog:
‘Why did you do all this? Well, all of it. From the interview about the dream to the distribution of dividends between partners and incredible festivals with Polunin, when no one else was doing such things.’
‘We had to.’
His answers were extremely short. It was enough for a book, but not enough for a media interview. But he never liked ostentation and empty bluster.
Ruben Karlenovich has an amazing trait: he grants you a sense of self-importance. You don’t feel small next to him, although he is many times greater: in terms of thoughts, scale, actions. With him, you feel inspired. And you start acting. Surprisingly, his scale does not devastate but inspires.
He is a godfather to maybe 600 children in Nagorno-Karabakh families. And to probably hundreds of businesses in entrepreneurs’ environment. My business is one of them.
A teacher, mentor, elder, founding father, an impeccable example of service. Someday his name will be like Mother Teresa in business: a synonym for a way of thinking and acting, leadership of the spirit.
We were all lucky to observe his journey. You want to be with him as often as possible in order to absorb his essence and become a little bit like Ruben yourself, although nobody can become just like him, of course.
Like thousands of other entrepreneurs he inspired to choose their own mission, I pray that his example is possible. Available. Free.
I want to see more stories about him in the future.
There should be more books, more interviews and projects.
Freedom to Ruben Vardanyan. Freedom to give freedom to others.
Freedom to inspire other leaders by example.”

“When I worked at Troika Dialog, Ruben constantly used to talk about his dream — for Troika not only to have offices in Moscow, London and New York, but also branches all over the country. At that time, Troika had only five branches.
Then Ruben Karlenovich suggested that I move from Samara to Moscow in order to expand and strengthen the large federal chain. And we managed to do so — he always believed we could.
Every time we met, I noticed his deep penetrating gaze, his amazing voice timbre, it was fascinating… He was able to inspire like no one else. It was always a pleasure working with him. He empowered you to do your job better than you could in other companies.
Even after I started my own business, Ruben with genuine interest continued to ask what I was doing, how I was doing, whether everything was OK.
Thanks to working at Troika under Ruben’s leadership, I considered it essential to introduce such principles as official salaries, annual reviews with employees and the importance of corporate culture in my company.
Ruben Vardanyan is still my teacher.”

“Once I asked Ruben Vardanyan why he worked 18 hours a day and launched non-profit projects again and again.
‘To make the world a little better,’ Ruben said.
I’ve heard this phrase from different people, but after working with Ruben for more than five years, I saw that he really meant it.
He gives it his all, completely, unreservedly.
I don’t know anyone who gives so much without asking for anything in return.
He always laughed at the various Forbes lists, they had no meaning to him.
But I’m sure that he is already at the top of the list when it comes to people who have made great contributions to Russia, Armenia and the world.
The Skolkovo business school, Aurora humanitarian initiative, Dilijan school, Tatev, Atlanty business club and over 50 other karmic projects that make our world a better place.
Ruben joined Atlanty at a very difficult time and got moving right away.
In five years we’ve managed to create one of the strongest business communities in Russia, bringing together 900+ entrepreneurs and top managers.
Thousands of solved requests, hundreds of events and the rapid growth of Atlanty’s businesses are just a small fraction of our results.
But most importantly, Ruben has always emphasized increasing the radius of trust between the members.
And I believe that we have managed to create a community where interaction between the residents is based on just that — trust.
Atlanty and I hope that Ruben will be home with his family soon.
We hope he will continue to make our world better, because now it is more important than ever.
Right now, when I don’t know who to ask for help, I truly believe in the power of the universe and victory of the good.”

“I don’t understand Pashinyan’s actions at all. Armenians seized by Azerbaijanis in Nagorno-Karabakh — Pashinyan’s blood brothers — languish in Baku dungeons. One of them is the prominent philanthropist Ruben Vardanyan, who has done so much for both Russia and Armenia. Pashinyan had the European Parliament pulpit at his disposal. Why, when exuding hatred toward Russia and indulging in speculations about the future cooperation with the EU, did Pashinyan not even attempt to raise the issue of the immediate release of his country’s citizens? And if the European Parliament wanted to, it could put serious pressure on Baku.”

“As the topic of relocated people is widely discussed, I often — and with sadness — think about a completely different ‘relocant,’ Ruben Vardanyan.
A man who actually stuck his head into the inferno out of patriotism. He acted like a true patriot, not remotely (as you probably know, he was born in Yerevan). If the “Russian oligarchs” behaved like this instead of scuttling along the Moscow — London — Tel Aviv — Moscow route like rats, they would be seen in a different light. And for this patriotic act, for staying with his people to the end, Vardanyan is paying the price — he “drinks tea in jail,” as the Azerbaijani side puts it.
That being said, I’m not quite sure what the accusations are. He did not fight with Azerbaijan, did not command any armies, he wasn’t at the root of the movement. He was a “separatist”, probably just like any other Armenian, except maybe Pashinyan. He wasn’t involved in the events from the 90s, which Azerbaijanis recall with pain.
Vardanyan came to Karabakh after the 2020 war with one goal in mind — to somehow improve the people’s lives in terms of economics and infrastructure. He was a state minister for three months, and it would be quite odd to take revenge for this alone. Of course, maybe they just expect a “ransom” from him, but even this is ludicrous for the early 21st century.
Formally, one would think that Russia doesn’t need to stand up for Vardanyan. He renounced his Russian citizenship. However, his move was a gesture of loyalty to Russia — if a Russian citizen had taken an official post in the Artsakh government, this would have been a real issue. So renouncing citizenship was actually a very loyal act toward Russia.
Since the Karabakh situation was clearly played “with four hands,” perhaps this is the real reason why both Armenian and Azerbaijani authorities are clearly in no hurry to push for his release.
I don’t know how much we can do now, even at the highest level. But we must do something. We must not forget Vardanyan. Now is the situation to do good without harming anyone.”

“Dmitry Peskov told reporters that Putin and Aliyev did not discuss the situation around Ruben Vardanyan during the open part of the CIS summit. The key phrase here is “the open part,” that is, publicly. It is no coincidence that the Russian president’s press secretary mentioned this topic despite it not being discussed at the meeting. Peskov made it clear that Vardanyan’s fate is at least a reason for a serious conversation with his Azerbaijani counterpart. Especially given the fact that Baku is holding dozens of Artsakh leaders under arrest.
According to information from various sources, Moscow allegedly guaranteed their security, while Russian peacekeepers even tried to protect them. But Azerbaijani military forces did not allow them to be taken away from the peacekeeper base at Stepanakert airport. They demanded to extradite everyone and threatened to shoot down the aircraft if they tried to leave by helicopter. After the car with the deputy commander of the peacekeeping group was shot at, these threats were taken seriously.
The detention of the republic’s authorities raises questions, but Armenian military leaders are one thing, and Ruben Vardanyan, who moved to Karabakh after the hostilities were over, is completely different.
Previously, a convenient explanation was offered to the public: no passport — no problem. Of course, it is a poor man’s version, just like the idea that Vardanyan, who renounced his Russian citizenship, wanted to dodge sanctions. But when someone tries to avoid economic restrictions, they usually end up on the beach in front of their mansion, not in Karabakh at war with bullets whizzing overhead.
For a man of this scale and wealth, moving to an enemy-surrounded enclave is rather an act of self-sacrifice. In a certain sense, this is a truly Christian action when a person risks himself to save others. In our times, this is an extremely rare occurrence. One of Vardanyan’s humanitarian projects, Aurora, actually awards people who risk their own lives to save others.
Vardanyan is not only a businessman, but also a well-known patron of the arts and a philanthropist. He has funded many educational and humanitarian projects around the globe. He was on boards of trustees at Skolkovo, RANEPA, the Pushkin Museum, Pletnev Orchestra and the GES-2 art space. Many of Vardanyan’s humanitarian projects are connected with Russia in one way or another, so allegations around surrendering his passport are just an attempt to create some negative context where none exists. A passport, just like citizenship, is not synonymous with patriotism, but merely a bureaucratic procedure. I’d like to believe that Vardanyan’s services to Russia — not in terms of business, but in terms of humanitarian aid — are worth devoting a few moments of Putin’s time with Aliyev regarding his fate. Even if not publicly, but in a private meeting.”

“Recently, a community center was opened in the village of Halidzor in the south of Armenia. It exists thanks to Ruben Vardanyan’s foundation. The prominent philanthropist and public figure detained by Azerbaijani authorities is now in a Baku prison. But his projects continue to live in Armenia, Russia and other countries.
He co-founded the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. It helps the most disadvantaged people, primarily victims of military action. Since 2014, more than 400 humanitarian projects in over 50 countries have received support. Thanks to Aurora’s programs, 2.7 million people around the world have received direct or indirect aid, more than half of them are children.
In his humanitarian work, Vardanyan paid special attention to education. He founded the Scholae Mundi Charitable Foundation, which is among the top 20 best foundations launched by Russian entrepreneurs according to Forbes Russia. One of Scholae Mundi’s project is the Hand-in-Hand Grant Contest, which promotes the best adaptation procedures for refugee children and adolescents. Vardanyan served on the board of trustees of many universities, including MSU and RANEPA, he was a jury member for the world’s biggest award in education, the Yidan Prize (Hong Kong).
Even this incomplete list outlines a world-scale figure. Therefore, today, when his future is alarming, one cannot indiscriminately believe the rumors that ill-wishers are spreading.
Last year, Vardanyan left the Russian Federation, renouncing Russian citizenship. This measure was necessary to prevent allegations regarding Moscow’s participation in the protracted military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Vardanyan created the territorial development agency ‘We are Our Mountains’ in the NKR. Among other projects, it restored hundreds of residential buildings, supported the energy system and created mobile medical teams. In total, the agency implemented more than 10 targeted charity initiatives.
Later, he assumed the post of state minister, which made it possible to expand the social projects implementation toolkit. It was not about a political career and definitely not about the desire to hide from sanctions in this region.
Helping people living in this war-torn region remained Vardanyan’s key goal. Despite the difficult situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, Ruben Vardanyan did not stop participating in Russian projects — of which there are more than two hundred. Vardanyan was and remains a patriot of both Armenia and Russia, and all his humanitarian initiatives prove it better than words ever could. That is why the philanthropist’s arrest raised such a wave of support in Russian society. I hope it will reach the highest level and help to free Vardanyan.”

“While Pashinyan and Aliyev cannot agree, prominent philanthropist Vardanyan is in prison.
At the same time, hundreds of his charitable projects continue to work in Russia — Aurora, dozens of NPOs launched by Ruben, the Skolkovo business school, and many others. They live in spite of all the speculations around Vardanyan’s citizenship and Russian passport, which they want to use as a wedge to unsettle his relations with Moscow.
Before leaving for the NKR, he actually surrendered his Russian citizenship, trying to show the Armenians that he stood with them during these trying times. But it is strange to accuse Vardanyan of “fleeing Russia from sanctions.” People usually flee westward and away from bullets.
Now Vardanyan is being illegally detained in Azerbaijan, facing absurd accusations.The Armenian side’s attempts to settle the issue are in vain. Obviously, the Russian authorities should once again lend a hand in the long-standing conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh — it cannot be over while people like Vardanyan remain in Baku prisons.”

“Why would Moscow benefit from Vardanyan’s release and would it make sense to prioritize his fate during the negotiations?
In the last two years, Russia’s participation in settling the Karabakh conflict looks ambiguous and very vague in terms of results. It would be an exaggeration to discuss the success of the peacekeeping mission. Past examples of Russia not showing much interest in the fate of its former allies and partners who were arrested (for example, ex-president of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev) did not make Moscow more appealing as an ally in the post-Soviet space.
Moreover, all interested parties (not only in the South Caucasus) see Vardanyan as a pro-Russian figure. His nominal withdrawal from Russian citizenship was not a demonstrative relocation, but a way to ensure freedom of actions in attempts to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict politically, so that neither side would speculate on Moscow’s participation. It is no secret that he remained one of the major influential figures of Russian business, continuing to implement large-scale humanitarian projects in the Russian Federation. Lastly, the very presence of Vardanyan on the political scene gave the Russian side additional maneuverability. This will continue to be true even now. In turn, Vardanyan’s isolation will make, surprisingly, Pashinyan government a beneficiary of the crisis, as it is focused on tough suppression of all forms of internal opposition. And I’m not sure that Moscow will find this result psychologically and politically comfortable.”

“Vardanyan had lived in Russia for a long time — at first, doing business, then launching social projects. He opened the Skolkovo business school, co-founded the Primakov Foundation, helped Russian NPOs in solving social problems. As part of its work, Philin Philgood supported over 100 Russian non-profit organizations, 30 of which were created with Vardanyan’s participation. Being its key benefactor, he provided money for the construction of the temple complex of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of New Nakhichevan and Russia. Ruben continues to take part in these and many other social projects to this day.
During the military conflict in the NKR, Vardanyan decided to leave Russia to support his compatriots. This was followed by the renouncement of Russian citizenship, motivated by the desire to be honest with their people and to avoid any doubts regarding his country affiliation. Subsequently, it led to much controversy — some people accused Vardanyan of dodging sanctions, others saw this act as a betrayal. But one should keep in mind that people avoiding sanctions usually flee to the opposite direction and express vehement denunciation of Moscow’s actions — we can see many such examples (these are standard actions of “fugitive billionaires”). Try searching the web for at least one of Vardanyan’s interview condemning Russia — he made no attempts to reinsure himself against sanctions. Moreover, even after his departure, Vardanyan, continued to help his Russian projects showing no fear of sanctions.
The entire Russian community came to Vardanyan’s defense: human rights activists, businessmen, charitable organizations, cultural figures — all of them unanimously called for the philanthropist’s release. And now the most important question. Should the Russian authorities protect their own citizen, albeit a former one? In my opinion, there are good reasons for this: Vardanyan has lived and worked in Russia for many years, and the projects launched by the philanthropist continue to serve the Russian Federation. Even from prison, Vardanyan tries to support them through his wife and children who live in Moscow. Obviously, it is Russia that should stand up for Vardanyan: the two sides of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will never agree.”

“Vardanyan has been engaged in charity work in Russia for many years, he has launched over two hundred humanitarian initiatives. Despite his departure and renunciation of Russian citizenship, Vardanyan was still a part of Russian projects and continued to provide support.
Russian public figures, human rights activists, cultural figures, and businessmen came to his defense. Obviously, this is not enough — the prominent philanthropist is still behind bars.
Earlier, Vardanyan was accused of evading sanctions, however, let me remind you, he “fled” sanctions and ran to the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, not to Nice. He returned to his homeland to resolve the conflict, and in this case, a Russian passport would have evoked speculations associated with Moscow’s participation. The Russian authorities should pay attention to Vardanyan’s detention — the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not over as long as the prisoners are being held in Baku.”

“The war continues as long as Azerbaijan holds Artsakh leaders, including the world-famous philanthropist Ruben Vardanyan, whose charitable and social projects are well known both in Russia and abroad.
Information about his condition after the politically motivated arrest is scarce. As long as such a person is in the dungeons, where even the Red Cross lacks access, the war continues, despite Baku saying otherwise.
And the formal, resulting from bureaucratic reasons, absence of a Russian passport does not mean that Moscow has lost interest in Vardanyan. Moreover, this does not mean the end of hostilities — at least on the diplomatic front. The conflict will end when the prisoners — this is the term that should be used in relation to Vardanyan — will be free. Russia should make every effort to get the philanthropist out of prison. He must return to his family and to his peaceful, charitable projects that strengthen the relations between our countries. And bring harmony and justice to this world overall.”

“17 days have passed since Azerbaijani forces arrested prominent philanthropist, patron of arts, entrepreneur and public figure Ruben Vardanyan.
During this time, Azerbaijani President Aliyev met with Russian President Putin.
According to TASS, Putin and Aliyev did not discuss the situation of Vardanyan during the public portion of the meeting.
As you know, Vardanyan renounced his Russian citizenship in favor of an Armenian one.
I don’t think it was due to the fear of sanctions.
At some point, Armenian and Karabakh patriot Vardanyan simply decided that investing money was no longer enough, that his experience, skills, abilities, and connections could help preserve Artsakh as an Armenian autonomy.
But the plan failed.
Now Ruben Vardanyan’s associates have launched the FreeVardanyan.com website to support the philanthropist, who has hundreds of social and humanitarian projects in Russia, Armenia and Karabakh under his belt.
To support Ruben Vardanyan, thousands of people are signing the Change.org petition, recording videos and publishing supportive posts on their social media pages.
Ruben Vardanyan’s fate worries many prominent figures who consider his arrest a blatant injustice. Knowing how much good he has done in Russia, Armenia and Karabakh, I want to believe that common sense will prevail and Azerbaijani authorities will grant him amnesty. The Russian Federation must not turn away from a person who, among other things, has done so much for our country.”

“As for all my political differences with Ruben Vardanyan, I would like to say that they do not matter now. Ruben turned out to be a real man. This is a rare quality when a financier becomes a true warrior. I can say that every Armenian must express support to him. Every Armenian around the world. “Free Vardanyan!” It must become a slogan for all!!!”

“We all know about former state minister of Nagorno-Karabakh Ruben Vardanyan’s arrest as he tried to enter Armenia. Personally, I admire Vardanyan’s actions. In fact, the person consciously sacrificed himself. He gave up everything he had: business, Russian citizenship and went to help Karabakh, staying there until the very end and making no attempts to flee.”

“Today, Armenians worldwide must unite to fight for the prompt release of Bako Sahakyan, Arkadi Ghukasyan, Arayik Harutyunyan, David Ishkhanyan, Ruben Vardanyan, David Manukyan, Levon Mnatsakanyan, and David Babayan. Of course, we cannot ignore the other prisoners of war, but the abovementioned are a priority.
If we want to the right to fight for Artsakh in the future, and to demand a certain status, the fight for the NKR leaders’ freedom must not stop even for a second.
Regardless of all objective and subjective circumstances, these people are a criterion of our national dignity today. As long as they are kept behind bars, Armenia and Artsakh have no chance. There is no need to talk about this incessantly. But we need to constantly think and work on solving this problem. Once again: the future of Artsakh depends on it. I believe it can still be bright.”

“A letter written by Skolkovo business school graduates, in defense of Ruben Vardanyan arrested by Azerbaijani authorities, caught my eye. The way former students stand up for the founder of their alma mater is worthy of respect. Moreover, these are not ordinary schoolchildren but graduates of a unique educational institution that has become a talent factory for the domestic economy. I think we need not mention the average student IQ level there. Thus, their opinion is at least worth hearing out.”

“Here we have a unique case when a person’s deeds are known so well that the whole world is ready to vouch for him.
On September 27, former NKR state minister Ruben Vardanyan was detained by Azerbaijani authorities, and from that day on people from very different areas and industries have been speaking out in support of the famous philanthropist.
He has done so much for Russia. In the midst of war, he left for Karabakh, aiming to support its residents, his native people. This plan backfired: Vardanyan is now in prison, all his humanitarian projects have lost their leader. Let’s not forget, it was Vardanyan who was there at the start of the Skolkovo business school, whose graduates now write letters supporting the first president of one of Russia’s best educational institutions.
Former students (and possibly future top officials) those concerned to help free social entrepreneur Ruben Vardanyan. According to the graduates, even after renouncing Russian citizenship, he continued to selflessly develop educational projects in Russia.

“Ruben Vardanyan is an outstanding businessman, philanthropist, and man of integrity. But, as it turns out, this is not enough to be a successful politician, even more so — a politician of a country at war. At first, Vardanyan went to Karabakh to become administrator, the prime minister. He then decided to stay, showing that he was a good person and a great politician. I think the transformation of businessman Vardanyan into politician Vardanyan took place when he decided to stay rather than run away in a woman’s dress or on the floor of a car like some businessmen fleeing Russia — he made the choice to stay, knowing that he might very well be detained. He has not yet become a public politician, but a politician has certainly been born. What will happen next? Will Azerbaijan release him, exchange him for someone? Will unofficial friends come to his aid, and will they be able to convince President Aliyev that Vardanyan is not involved in what, for example, Arayik Harutyunyan is charged with? Ruben was engaged in economic activities, not shelling.”

“I don’t know anyone who has influenced the world around them more than Ruben Vardanyan. He’s helped the world become more educated, more tolerant, nobler and kinder. Free Ruben Vardanyan!” #freerubenvardanyan